MEMORIES, MAGGIE of when we were children and Auntie Doris, for our Christmas treat, took Nancy, you and me to London for the day. We caught the 7:30am Birch bus from Henlow Crossroads to Kings Cross. We had dinner in a posh restaurant and saw as many of the sights as time would allow. The Birch bus brought us safely back home, tired but Oh! but what a lovely day we had.
MEMORIES of all the holidays Mitch and I spent with you and the family and the many places you took us to visit. The four weeks we spent in Florida at the summer holiday home with you every evening playing Rummikub in Bett's van til 2am and the continual fun and laughter we had. Mitch remembers you being left-handed, always nagged her about putting cutlery away in the drawer for a right-handed person, but you always forgave her. I could write a book of all the treasured memories of you Maggie but I will say Farewell from Gina and Mitch and, as the Vera Lynn song says....”We'll meet again”.
Love you, God bless.
Oh Maggie – how will I ever forget the grumpy face I hauled out of bed at 3am one morning, to drag you down to Cornwall in time to have breakfast at the Jamaica Inn? Or the shriek you gave when you saw the tiny 2-man tent you were expected to share with me in the corner of a field.
Your joy was only surpassed by the supper I cooked on the camp stove, of pasta and bolognese sauce out of a jar. Halfway through you said “Um, aren't we supposed to have meat with this?”
So many many good times – girls on the loose to get lost among the mountains, and you said you could read a map, swimming from a surfers' beach, eating Oggies in the West Country and Barabrith in Wales. And oh the happy days we had in Kincardine usually ending with us sitting in the water at the lake-side, with a huge flask of rum and coke between us!
Maggie, my lovely sister, you were a great friend and a fun accomplice and in my heart you always will be.